Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Pain Initiation- Pulling Teeth

So I found it fitting that we are currently studying the initiation portion of mythologies durring this moment in my life. Like many of you know I had my wisdom teeth taken out last Thursday. Though not a traditional pain initiation like those stories we heard and presented it did have an element of pain.
I have never liked the dentist so when I realized I needed this procedure done I was less then thrilled. Take my fear of dentists and add on my fear of needles (I choose full anesthesia so had to have an IV) and that basically sums up the joy of last week.
I don't remember much of that afternoon thanks to some wonderful drugs they pumped in to me. I vaguely remember looking for my boyfriend when I "woke up" (I was still pretty loopy) and having trouble talking. I don't really remember much else until I got home and was sitting in my bed looking down at the blood that I was apparently drooling on to my t-shirt. Basically gross. If you have never had your gums bleed I can tell you it is one of the slimiest feelings ever. I thought that head wounds bleed the most but I would argue that incisions in your mouth are worse because they are so hard to stop. I tasted blood consistently for 24 hrs at least and still have moments where I can taste it now, six days later.
Though my "initiation" was not nearly as extreme or as painful as those we have spoken about in class I do have a new respect for the women of the Mentawai tribe of West Sumatra who sharpen their teeth. They didn't have IV's or Vicodin or even advil to dull the pain, all of which was available for me to use. These women hurt themselves physically to look attractive; I went through a surgery because without it I wouldn't have room in my mouth for the extra teeth. For these women beauty really is pain. 


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