Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Orpheus- Coincidence of Stones

"As he stretched out his hands, speaking ineffectually for the first time ever, not affecting them in any way with his voice, the impious ones murdered him: and the spirit, breathed out through that mouth to which stones listened, and which was understood by the senses of wild creatures – O, God! – vanished down the wind."

After reading the story of Orpheus and discussing it in class I was struck by one line in Ovid. It talked about how beautiful Orpheus's music was and mentioned that even the stones were awestruck listening to him. Even the stones. How amazing of a musician must a man be to entertain inanimate objects? Something that never notices anything about the world or moves or does anything, listens to Orpheus.

The quote I used above is actually about Orpheus's death but it proved my point. 

A week after hearing the story of Orpheus I was in the bathroom on the first floor of AJM and looked up to see a single white rock sitting on the counter. After wondering why the rock was sitting in such an odd location I though of Orpheus singing to the rocks. Though probably not the most inspiring of coincidences I reminded me of mythologies. Maybe next time I will try and sing to it and see if it listens.

I'm going to take a picture of it later and put it here....

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